No, it’s up to you to log on to and book.
You can expect most notifications within the 2 weeks leading up to your trip start date.
We will offer you a free tracker so you can try again!
No, you will keep receiving notifications for the dates you picked unless you pause your tracker.
Yes, just email us at
This site is working too well! I already have 3 permits for the year and now have a new problem — I have too many trips to choose from in a short amount of time.
I used a tracker to grab a permit for the John Muir Trail during peak time this year, something which I’ve never won the lottery for the past 4 years. This summer is all adventure for me thanks to Outdoor Status.
Thanks to Outdoor Status, I got the coveted Mt. Whitney overnight permit for this summer. I am super excited about my trip. This wouldn’t have been possible without the services that Outdoor Status provides. I got a SMS text about a canceled permit and I quickly went and reserved my permit. It was so easy! I am a huge huge fan!
I have been using Outdoor Status for a few months now, and it has been a LIFESAVER — I’ve managed to find some notoriously difficult backpacking permits for Mt. Whitney, Yosemite, and the Lost Coast. Being able to set an unlimited number of trackers for multiple weekends has been a game-changer, and the tiny annual fee has easily paid itself off already. On top of that, Jordan’s newsletters have helped me stay on top of my game when it comes to planning adventures in advance, instead of being caught off guard at the last minute. Keep up the great work!
Going outdoors is getting harder every year. In 2021, you had less than a 1% chance of winning the Enchantments lottery in August!
There are 2 reasons for that:
That’s why I’ve built Outdoor Status — to give us back the flexibility we need to plan trips.
Jordan Vincent
Founder of Outdoor Status