
Tracker details

This tracker checks for Inyo National Forest Wilderness Permit availability every 10 minutes.

Minimum group size

We will notify you when we find permits for 2 or more people.

1 person
2 people
3 people
4 people
5 or more…


Where will your trip start?

Show map
Ansel Adams
Beck Lake
Bloody Canyon
Fern Lake
Fish Creek
Gibbs Lake
Glacier Canyon
High Trail
John Muir Trail North of Devils Postpile
John Muir Trail South of Devils Postpile
Minaret Lake
Parker Lake
Red Cones
River Trail
Rush Creek
Shadow Creek
Owens River Headwaters
Yost / Fern Lakes
Golden Trout
Blackrock (Non Quota)
Cottonwood Pass
Haiwee Pass (Non Quota)
Kennedy Meadows (Non Quota)
Olancha Pass (Non Quota)
Trail Pass (Non Quota)
Hoover / Inyo
Lakes Canyon (Non Quota)
Lundy Canyon (Non Quota)
Saddlebag Lake (Non Quota)
Warren Fork (Non Quota)
John Muir
Baker and Green Lakes
Baxter Pass
Big Pine Creek North Fork
Big Pine Creek South Fork
Birch Lake
Bishop Pass -South Lake
Convict Creek
Cottonwood Lakes
Deer Lakes
Duck Pass
Gable Lakes
George Creek
George Lake
Golden Trout Lakes
Hilton Lakes
Horton Lakes
Italy Pass
Kearsarge Pass
Lamarck Lakes
Laurel Lakes
Little Lakes Valley
McGee Pass
Meysan Lake
Mono Pass
North Fork of Lone Pine Creek
Pine Creek
Piute Pass
Red Lake
Sabrina Lake
Sawmill Pass
Shepherd Pass
Taboose Pass
Tamarack Lakes
Treasure Lakes
Tuttle Creek
Tyee Lakes
Upper Buttermilk
Valentine Lake
Big Pine Creek North Fork (Outfitter)
Big Pine Creek North Fork (Pack Outfit)

Start dates

Select multiple start dates to increase your chances of finding cancellations.

Reservations haven’t opened yet for these dates. View opening dates.
Inyo National Forest Wilderness Permit tracker

Checks every 10 minutes.

You will receive SMS notifications when we find spots for the start dates you picked.

Expect to receive most notifications within 2 weeks of selected start dates.